How to Fix Ubuntu’s Missing Clock (transcript)
Welcome to another quick tips and tricks video, this time focused on explaining how to fix the bug of the missing clock from Ubuntu’s Unity panel after a random system reboot.
The completely arbitrary disappearance of the clock and, consequently, of the calendar, from Ubuntu’s toolbar is a common bug of Canonical’s OS for sometime now. However, this is an issue easily solved by executing two simple command lines in the terminal.
To re-enable the calendar and clock on the toolbar open up the terminal using Ctrl + Alt + T and type in sudo apt-get install indicator-datetime, or just the actual command if you are already logged in as root. After that’s done all you need to do is restart the Unity panel with killall unity-panel-service. And here they are. Clock and calendar are back to their due place in the toolbar.
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Production: Mário J.R. Matos (
Music: Kevin MacLeod (
Software: KDEnlive, Audacity, Ardour, GIMP, Inkscape, Ubuntu, OSB (Open Broadcaster Software), Aegisub, LibreOffice
Copyright: the video can be shared through YouTube sharing options; images can be used when author attribution is given and a link to this post is provided; terms of image use are applied in the same way to the textual content.
[click on “captions” to enable/disable english subtitles. Watch in HD]