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Template credits
Creative Commons License – Attribution CC BY 3.0+
Free to use under the same conditions of my Free Stock Footage Videos
Created by Mário J.R. Matos from Zumiver
Music: New Dawn from Bensound
Assets: arrows from freepik and heart also from the same source.
All videos licensed under a Creative Commons License – Attribution 3.0 or above (CC BY 3.0 or above) allow you to freely download, save and use the entire clip or part of it in your videos without the payment of any fee as long as due credit is given (for example, by writing “some stock footage provided by Mário J.R. Matos”). Read more about it on my website:
Please, visit the FAQ section of my website:
Do you want the credits removed? Buy a one-time perpetual $2/€2 No Credits Licence on my website (, where you can also find other videos and all the information about the use of my Stock Footage.
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Camera operator and editor: Mário J.R. Matos
Gear: Panasonic GH5, Olympus 45mm f1.8 Zuiko Digital, Voigtlander 10.5mm F0.95 MFT, SLR Magic 25mm T0.95 HyperPrime Cine II, 7Artisans 60mm f/2.8 Macro, Laowa 7.5mm f/2 MFT, Samyang 12mm T2.2 Cine MFT, Panasonic 20mm F1.7 Asph II Lumix G, Zoom H1 Ultra-Portable Digital Audio Recorder, Rode VideoMic Pro
Software: DaVinci Resolve, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, GIMP, darktable, Inkscape, LibreOffice, HandBrake, Audacity, Ardour, VLC, Firefox
Location: Vila Nova de Monsarros, Anadia, Aveiro, Portugal
EN| Free HitFilm Template: Wedding Title (Intro)
PT| Modelo Gratuito para HitFilm: Wedding Title (Intro)
ES| Modelo Gratis para HitFilm: Título de la boda (introducción)
FR| Modèle Libre pour HitFilm : Titre du mariage (Intro)
DE| Kostenlos Vorlage für HitFilm: Hochzeitstitel (Intro)
ZH| 自由 HitFilm 模板 : 婚禮標題(介紹)
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